Friday, February 22, 2008

Virgin Post

This is my first post on my first blog. I have finally stepped into the 21st century. I can remember being in college at Ole Miss my senior year and HATING email because it was so difficult to remember the DOS prompts for PINE. That was before the days of Windows Mail.

I have enjoyed reading other blogs of mothers who still have a sense of humor. I am not an Oprah groupie (at least not publicly), and I don't subscribe to the idea that all men are stupid. I know my husband's intelligent, he just chooses to practice selective intelligence. I'm okay with that. I love being a mama to my lovelies (he is 6, she is 18 months). I love my husband (he is 33, I am 34). I love my job teaching music at an elementary school. I love Daddy and Mama. I love my sister and brother. Most of all, I love God.

I'm not sure what I will blog about next, but I'm sure something will come up. OOH, I know!!! I'm going to a gala tomorrow night with my husband and friends. We have a sitter, I have a new dress, and new shoes. It's like prom for adults. I can't wait. I'll take pictures and show the world how a Southern Belle should dress for a gala. Actually, it's been so long since I got to dress up I'm not sure I know how anymore. I fear I may break a leg in the shoes I bought. I've been practicing my walk for a week. I've worked my way up to a solid our on my feet in the new shoes. Every self respecting Southern Belle practices walking in heels DAYS before the event. Especially if she's rusty.

Gotta go. Need beauty sleep for the big day tomorrow!!

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